pet care

Dog walking: Stretching legs, making friends and fetching balls

We know that as much as you love your dog you can't be in two places at once, So we can  offer you our dog walking service throughout the day. With our quality of service and thoughtful approach, You'll have no reason to feel guilty about leaving your dog in our care - they will be in expert, knowledgeable and loving hands. We only ever walk dogs in small groups no more than 3 so that we can supervise them properly and give them the freedom to                                           exercise and explore.

Whether your dog is big and bouncy, small but feisty, full of beans or a little wary, we'll make sure they walk with dogs that suit their temperament. 

We'll always remove muddy boots when we enter your home and give dogs a good rub down with a towel when they're wet. As well as your house will be left safe and secure with a happy dog waiting for you to come home. 


Pet sitting: Overnight stays at your or my house for a stress-free pet

Pet sitting allows you to go away happy in the knowledge that your pets will be well looked after at home where they are the most comfortable. Your personal pet sitter will visit your house to spend time with them, make a fuss, feed and water them, plus clear up any mess and leave your house secure.

We look after dogs, cats, horses, ponies, small animals and reptiles. Don't worry if you have                                                more than one pet – the more the merrier!

Before you book, We will visit you to talk through your animal care routine and ensure we stick to your normal pet care practice and needs.


Equine Care

Equine care allows you to go on holiday, have any illnesses, or personal days where you don't need to worry about if your baby(s) are being looked after properly or not. we provide photos and updates as much or as little as you wish with myself having 2 horses myself and having them all my life will provide you and your baby(s) with the best care as a promise. with knowledgeable back ground and on going . please feel free to call or email for more information

We can provide the following services for your horse, pony or donkeys:

- morning and eventing stable checks

- turning out & bringing in 

- poop picking

- holiday cover

- provide food and water 

- replace bedding 

- Clean equipment, such as saddles and bridles

- Clean, brush and sometimes clip horses' coats

- Muck out stables

- Watch out for changes in the condition of horses and report problems

- Treat minor wounds, change dressings and give certain medications

- Follow instructions from vets when treatment is needed

Drop-ins: Regular feedings, playtimes or oral medicine administration

A dog sitter provides company and toilet breaks for your dog when you're unable to pop home and let them out. Whether you have an older dog that needs medication or a younger dog requiring frequent feeding, our dog visits take care of everything your dog could need, even if that's just simply spending time with them until you get home.

When you need to be out all day or stay late at work, we can pop in to feed your dog, provide fresh water, a toilet break and settle them down for the evening.


2023 Petsitter: Woof Walker | All rights reserved.
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